• HRTechGeek
    2018 HRTech China Annual Conference Successfully Ended on April 20th HRTech China Annual Conference was successfully held in Shanghai Four Seasons Hotel last Friday, hosted by HRTech China and collaborated with SAP and SAP SuccessFactors as our strategic partner, and other great partners like Kingdee, FESCO, JD Enterprise Procurement Platform, WAIFUXIN(SFSCTech), GaiaWorks, KNX Kennaikesa, RenYun HRSSC, eQianBao(Tsign), ZESTLearning Zhuanwei, Yi Road Software, JingTeng Tech, FLY HOVER, Fadada, Pailixiang, LiangGongGuan, Umianbao, NACSHR as our sponsors. On HRTech China Annual Conference, we have welcomed over 1,400 Human Resource professionals and executives coming from nearly 30 main cities of the Greater China Region such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, HongKong, Taiwan etc. And most of the audience is from 500 fortune company, internet and technology giants (Alibaba, Jingdong, Tencent, Baidu, Meituan, Didi, Huawei etc.) and nearly 50% are HR manager, Director, VP, CHRO or CEO. HRTechChina invited about 30 HR executives and experts to share the latest research results and insights from human resources technology, demonstrate the most cutting-edge technology products and solutions, and discuss how technology can deeply change the human resource industry and how can we better leverage technology. We were honored to connect our great speakers, who are all the leading figures in Human resource industry in China; our attendees, who are already or come to be the future human resource experts; with the HRTech Vendors and experts, who are continuously using technology to provide better products and solutions; and they together to become the strong force in HRTech in China and push the industry to the next level! During the conference, HRTech China announced the winners of 2018 HRTech Geek Awards and distributed the trophies to the outstanding HR executives and Vendors and companies. The mission of HRTech Geek Awards is to encourage the application of HR technology in better serving people and company; or the HRTech Providers who are continuously improving the technical level to create better solution or products. We have received 79 applications and the final winners are SAP SuccessFactors; Kingdee; FESCO; PingAn Group; WAIFUXIN(SFSCTech); FLY HOVER; RenYun HRSSC for their ultimate pursuit and exploration in technology and constant attempt in providing great products and service. Congratulation to them all! The conference smoothly concluded at 5:00 PM. 2018 HRTech China Annual Conference was highly praised by our guests and widely acclaimed by the audience, and has become one of the most significant events in human resource industry in China. As we can see, human resource technology develops very fast, while the innovation and sustainable development will be the following issue of this industry. Just as Mr. Wu Ying, President of e-China Alliance and Chairman of China Capital Group said in the opening speech:“President Xi mentioned that technology、talent、economic development is bounded up together. The development of human resource technology has fit the theme.” HRTech China will always remain our intention—People first, Technology second and continue to disseminate the idea of technology empower and unleash people. At last, We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all speakers for their active involvement and sharing, all sponsors for their generous sponsorship, all partners for their continuous support and all attendees for their enthusiastic participation, all volunteers for their efforts. HRTech China conference cannot succeed without any of you. We will continue serving all the members through high-quality events. Please stay tuned for the upcoming events! Look forward to meeting you soon at HRTech China Annual Conference& Exposition in Shanghai this November! Click here to read the report of 420 HRTech Annual Conference in Chinese. http://www.hrtechchina.com/21437.html
  • HRTechGeek
    中国人力资源科技极客评选 HRTechGeek Awards 提名开始!--寻找中国的HRTech Geek! 中国人力资源科技极客评选 HRTechGeek Awards   Geek(极客)是什么?   根据百度百科等资料介绍:极客是一群以创新、技术和时尚为生命意义的人,这群人不分性别,不分年龄,共同的战斗在新经济、尖端技术和世界时尚风潮的前线,共同为现代的电子化社会文化做出自己的贡献。 极客对这个世界的影响,不仅局限在物质层面,崇尚科技、自由和创造力的极客精神正越来越成为这个时代新的意识形态。     HRTechGeek Awards HRTech的概念在中国,由HRTechChina引入加以推广,在这个过程中,我们发现与美国还有相当大的差距。从基础的认知、技术产品以及应用场景和实际案例,都有不小的空间。让人欣喜的是在过去的两年中,中国的移动互联网广泛应用,让HRTech的场景具有更加独特和灵活性,显现出越来越多的中国特色的实践案例、产品服务、个人企业等。但是他们很多在自己的领域、地区、组织中并没有被放大,让更多的HR知晓!我们有理由相信这些非常棒的应用、产品服务、案例、个人应该给广泛的传播和知晓,从而提升中国人力资源科技的整体水平! 从这里面,我们更是发现总有一波人、一些产品服务、一些机构个人,他们敢于尝试,极具创新和冒险精神,把科技积极应用到人力资源管理中,我们称之为GEEK精神!今天我们要通过HRTECH GEEK 来宣扬这种精神,通过这次评选传播和表彰他们的探索、创新! 诚挚邀请你参加本次HRTECH GEEK 评选中来!只要你在产品服务、工作实践等方面使用最新的科技,最酷的尝试探索,都可以成为我们中国人力资源科技的GEEK!   我们为你而来!向人力资源科技最极致精神致敬! 4月20日 中国人力资源科技年度论坛 中我们将为中国的HRTECH GEEKER们 加冕!   提名参选:3月10日-4月10日 评审阶段:4月10日-4月15日 大赛颁奖:4月20日 参与评选: http://hrday.com/survey/survey.php?id=1188E34C-47BE-CC9A-B88C-30DE1D291E68 奖项设置: 中国人力资源科技极客大奖 企业、机构、产品、个人 参加理由: · 极致的精神,对产品、对效率,对工作,这是最高的褒奖 · 交流分享,参与就是交流,行业需要更多的互动和分享 · 发出自己的声音,让更优秀的实践、产品、理念有更广阔的平台 · 构建和宣传公司和产品及服务的华丽舞台和绝佳渠道 ·人力资源科技产品与企业需求直接对接的良好时机 ·全球化的人力资源科技传播方案和途径 ·案例将加入HRTechChina 案例库,并通过平台广泛宣传和阅读 ·线上线下参与主办方的分享活动,全方位的曝光机会 ·提升企业曝光率,加强其在细分领域内的卓越表现的影响力 ·成为人力资源服务行业各领域需求市场的最佳选择 ·最大化利用评选结果,进行对产品的对外市场宣传 ·发挥在其领域的领导作用,促进产品创新和行业发展       参与评选的资格: · 时间为过去一年中,产品,实践等截止到2018年3月 · 无需大规模的实践,但必须经过实践,我们鼓励极客精神 · 原创且保证参评内容真实有效,无任何法律争议和潜在法律问题 · 其他   荣誉使用: · 合法合规使用评选荣誉 · 主办方将通过相关渠道全网发布 · 获奖者需参与主办方线上线下的互动活动 · 因欺瞒或其他手段获奖,主办方有权随时撤销并发布公告 参与评选: http://hrday.com/survey/survey.php?id=1188E34C-47BE-CC9A-B88C-30DE1D291E68 联系方式 021-3126 6618 微信:18621292818 微信公众号: hrtechchina 邮箱:geek@hrtechchina.com   主办方:HRTechChina 合作伙伴:人力资源杂志、人力资源沙龙、HR研究网、人力资源开发与管理杂志、培训杂志等 4月20日 中国人力资源科技年度论坛   上海 四季酒店  详细可以访问:http://www.hrtechchina.com/spring/ LOGO释义: 红黄蓝的颜色代表着构建万物的三原色,可以调和出世界上最美的色彩!代表艺术! 0和1 构建的网络框架,是网络科技的世界元素,代表科技! Geek精神恰恰就是艺术和科技的结合!   关于4月20日 中国人力资源科技年度论坛,可以参考这里: http://www.hrtechchina.com/spring   