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    欢迎加入HRTechChina 我们在寻找小伙伴! HRTechChina是中国领先的人力资源科技综合服务平台,业务快速发展,需大量的志同道合加入一起共创人力资源科技的大发展!   目前有几个岗位空缺,还请关注: · 运营负责人 具体可以联系   微信: hrtechgeek · 高级记者编辑岗位 2位 · 商务合作拓展 (经理和专员岗) 2-4位 · 实习编辑 2位 · 活动执行:(专员岗位、可实习) 2位 详细可以看下面要求直接填写简历或投递: job@hrtechchina.com 或这里提交:http://hrday.com/survey/survey.php?id=DF44A0C4-7146-59C5-F223-F3A34FE02D9A   · 高级记者编辑岗位 (有实习岗位) 上海 浦东 八佰伴 工作职责: · 负责平台内容日常更新维护 · 专题策划与事件人物采访 · 行业信息及数据整理分析 · 其他工作相关事宜 岗位要求: · 文笔好,效率高,有独立撰稿能力 · 英文读写 · 热爱科技,对未来充满好奇, · 工作积极,学习力强 · 善于捕捉热点   实习编辑 2位 上海浦东 工作职责: · 网站平台内容维护更新 · 行业信息及数据整理分析 · 其他工作相关事宜 岗位要求: · 文笔好,效率高 · 有较好的英文读写能力 · 热爱科技,对未来充满好奇, · 大三以上,男女不限 · 一周2天以上。 job@hrtechchina.com 商务合作拓展 (经理和专员岗) 上海 浦东 工作职责: ·负责维护外部客户关系,推广活动及平台产品,开展和拓展商务合作; ·有计划地拓宽新渠道,制定推广策略,创新渠道合作模式; ·独立负责策划活动,以及推广和执行落地,并最终衡量渠道或活动价值; ·定期对项目进行数据分析并给予方案优化的建议。 ·担负销售和开拓指标 ·其他工作相关事宜 岗位要求 ·本科以上学历,1-2年的工作经验 ·有良好的沟通合作技巧,具有较强业务谈判技巧和抗压能力; ·工作积极主动,有较强的执行能力以及学习能力 ·熟练掌握科技办公系统 ·其他     活动执行:(专员岗位、可实习) 上海浦东八佰伴 工作职责: · 市场活动前期推广宣传,参与策划与选题 · 现场管理与协调 · 供应商关系维护与开拓 · 其他相关事宜 岗位要求: ·本科以上学历,1-2年的工作经验 ·有良好的沟通合作技巧; ·工作积极主动,有较强的执行能力以及学习能力 ·熟练掌握科技办公系统 ·其他 简历地址: job@hrtechchina.com     HRTechChina 简介: http://www.hrtechchina.com/19505.html  
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    Google做ATS服务了。。刚宣布推出了一个与G Suite集成的新招聘应用程序,直白点讲就是GOOGLE做ATS服务了 还记得5月份Google 发布了 job.google.com 的招聘求职服务吗?不记得可以点击这里http://www.hrtechchina.com/16934.html 现在更进一步了,GOOGLE发布了G Suite的招聘应用套件,把服务更进一步的推进了!将近300万的企业用户可以直接使用google招聘管理服务了。简单讲就是推出ATS 服务了·~~ 详细可以访问:http://hire.google.com 小编看了下这个是一个标准的利用gmail 、google Calendar  ,google sheets来组成的一个简易的服务。 目前1000人以下的公司可以使用。     It’s no secret that attracting top talent is a key driver of business success. But whether you’re looking to recruit a business analyst, bring on an assistant or hire an experienced auto mechanic, building the right teams with the right talent takes time and money. According to a study by Bersin by Deloitte, it takes an average of 52 days to fill an open position and costs about $4,000 to interview, schedule and assess each candidate. At the end of the day, that adds up. Now, Hire–an app designed to help small and medium businesses recruit more effectively–can help. Recruit better using Hire and G Suite Hire makes it easy for you to identify talent, build strong candidate relationships and efficiently manage the interview process end-to-end. It integrates seamlessly with G Suite apps like Gmail and Google Calendar, which more than 3 million businesses use, many of them to drive recruiting efforts. With the introduction of Hire, customers now have a hiring app alongside G Suite’s familiar, easy-to-use tools that can help them run an efficient recruiting process. Hire and G Suite are made to work well together so recruiting team members can focus on their top priorities instead of wasting time copy-pasting across tools. For example, you can: Communicate with candidates in Gmail or Hire and your emails will sync automatically in both. Schedule interviews in Hire with visibility into an interviewer's schedule from Calendar. Hire also automatically includes important details in Calendar invites, like contact information, the full interview schedule and what questions each interviewer should focus on. Track candidate pipeline in Hire, and then analyze and visualize the data in Sheets. Making intuitive recruiting software for your business A lot of tools that employees rely on at work are clunky, unintuitive and hard to learn—endless configuration options, tables and lists and mind-numbing data entry. The Hire product team set out to change that. With a mindset of “less is more,” the team conducted hundreds of user-testing sessions and worked with early adopter customers for more than a year to simplify and optimize every aspect of the user experience. How Hire makes it easy for Brad’s Deals to recruit Brad’s Deals is a free service that compares online prices to help consumers find the best deals.  As a growing organization, recruiting is a top priority for the company. With more than 260 active candidates in their pipeline, Brad’s Deals uses Hire to share candidate information, capture feedback from the interviewing team in one place and track interview progress. “Hire’s intuitive and simple UI makes it easy for recruiters, hiring managers or even interviewers to take an active part in the recruiting process,” says Jessica Adams, vice president of Human Resources at Brad’s Deals. “The app’s integration with G Suite enables us to quickly access all candidate communications in one place, efficiently schedule interviews and collaborate to reach a hiring decision quickly." Try Hire today Hire is the latest product offering from Google to address the talent marketplace. In May, we unveiled Google for Jobs, our initiative that's focused on helping both job seekers and employers, across our products and through deep collaboration with the job matching industry. Google Search connects jobseekers to job opportunities from the open and broad ecosystem of providers, including employer listings as well as LinkedIn, Monster, WayUp, DirectEmployers, CareerBuilder, Glassdoor and Facebook. Hire addresses the needs of our G Suite customers—making it easier to hire the right people. Now, all U.S.-based businesses under 1,000 employees that use G Suite can purchase Hire to land the best talent. To learn more, visit http://hire.google.com or request a demo at http://hire.google.com/request-demo/.
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    加入我们 我们在找你! 我们需要你! 如果你热爱科技!也熟悉人力资源!喜欢产品!有意愿深入创业公司!   岗位一:实习编辑 · 英文好,爱科技 · 能写善于观察 · 乐于发现 · 喜欢采编工作 一周至少可以保证3天。   岗位二:市场活动主管 · 有强的策划能力 · 强的执行力 · 活动组织及市场推广   岗位三:销售主管 · 负责网站业务拓展 · 产品营销及客户管理   岗位四:为你专设 · 对HRTech 有独到见解和想法 · 可以为你专设岗位     HRTech是一家新创立的网络公司,我们提供优厚的待遇和个性化的成长空间。 job@hrtechchina.com