• 团队交流
    谷歌G Suite发布新工具Work Insights,旨在帮助企业更好地了解其工作方式 文/Frederic Lardinois 据外媒今日报道,Google在东京活动上宣布推出Work Insights,这是一种新工具,可以让企业更深入地了解员工应该如何使用公司的G Suite生产力工具,以及团队如何使用这些工具进行协作。 此外,谷歌还推出了调查工具,帮助企业更好地保护其在G Suite中的数据,使其具有一般可用性。 G Suite的产品经理Reena Nadkarni在今天的公告中解释说:“Work Insights是专门用于帮助企业衡量和了解G Suite推动组织内数字化转型影响的工​​具。” 数据在团队级别(团队10人及以上)进行汇总,以帮助企业了解其员工如何调整G Suite应用程序。 当企业押注于某个供应商时,总会有一段过渡期,不是每个人都能像其他人一样快速地采取行动。然而,只有当整个公司都采用了这些工具时,这些工具才能真正发挥作用。对于像Slack,Hangouts Chat / Meet或Microsoft Teams这样的通信工具尤其如此,对于像G Suite这样的生产力工具来说尤其如此。 不过,这里的其他用例实际上更有趣。Work Insights还可以让公司了解不同团队中的用户如何互相交流(比如营销和销售团队)。如果他们一起处理文档,那么他们也可能在一起工作得很好(或者只是在营销演示中留下尖刻的评论,但是在这里你可以大致了解到)。 Nadkarni写道:“这种洞察可以帮助高管找到加强合作和减少孤立的机会。” 很少有高管表示他们希望减少协作和更多的困境,因此,我们很可能会看到更多公司采用这些工具。   注:以上内容由AI翻译,观点仅供参考。 原文链接: Google’s Work Insights helps businesses better understand how they work 更多阅读: Google选择eQuest为应聘者追踪系统G-Suite提供职位发布 Google宣布推出G Suite一个集成的招聘应用程序  
  • 团队交流
    科技企业未来将推崇的工作模式:远程办公 编者注:本文作者Luboš是一个环游世界的设计师,同时也是Toptal设计团队的负责人。 远程办公还是一种比较新奇的工作方式,但是据报道称,到2020年,大约50%的技术公司中将会有超过30%的员工使用远程办公,而这个观点乍听上去有些不可思议。但不管是员工还是公司,他们都能从远程办公这一趋势中获益。 1)办公地点自由 远程工作给予了人们选择自己喜欢的工作地点的机会。注意,我指的是任意一个工作地点!只要那里有网络连接,你就可以在任意一个地方办公,甚至是在南极(如果那里有一家星巴克)。在你转移到下一个工作地点之前,你需要考虑以下的因素: ①互联网质量 ②服务质量 ③犯罪率 ④天气 ⑤开销 关于以上的因素,我强烈建议你访问Nomad List,在那儿你可以发现所有进行你下一次“探险”所需要的信息。Nomad List上的信息都是由全球的数字化游民直接提供的。(猎云网注:Nomad List是一个互联网工作者城市排名。) 2)开销 但是远程办公最大的优点是什么?可以不穿衣服工作?当然不是!是你可以选择住在生活成本更低的地方。从一个国家获得薪水,而在另一个国家进行消费,这会带来巨大的好处。想象一下你可以拿着旧金山地区的薪水(或者更低一些)并且不需要支付旧金山湾区高昂的租金。你可以根据你的喜好选择任意一个你喜欢的地方,并且可以省下一大笔钱。这笔钱有多少呢?下面这张图可以告诉你答案。 如果你可以进行远程办公,那么你就可以节省下很多钱,因为你的开销会变少。 想想经济稳定可以给你和你的家人带来多少好处。你不用再局限于寻找当地的工作了。赶快行动吧! 3)你会觉得孤单吗? 请记住,远程办公不同于坐在办公室里办公。你身边没有其他人。你不能够和你的同事在咖啡机旁边闲聊。你需要拥有一个成为远程办公者的正确心态(或者你需要培养这种心态),有些时候你可能会觉得孤单。但你还有很多可以联系到其他人或者团队成员的方式,比如说通过meetup、Skype和Slack等等。 最终,你需要成为一个强大的个体来处理好所有的事情。远程办公不一定适合所有人。 4)团队交流 请记住远程团队也可以像其他团队一样工作,甚至在工作过程中会运用类似的工具。我在Toptal公司工作,在没有建立一个办公室的情况下,我见证了这家公司从7名员工发展到100多名员工。整个公司都是进行远程办公,包括工程团队、设计团队、销售团队、用户成长团队等。我们的其中一位联合创始人Breanden在创建公司后,就一直在不停地旅游。你也许觉得这不可思议,但确实没有其他大公司像我们这样运作。 那我们该如何进行团队交流呢? 日程交流和会议工具——Slack和Skype 每周展示—— GoToMeeting 任务管理—— Trello、Jira以及Freshdesk 团队管理——Custom Tools 合作协作——Invision、Trello以及Collabshot 利用上述所有工具,进行适当的时间安排,你可以远程运营一个公司。此外,你还需要记住,如果你要召开会议,请保证会议内容“快、准、狠”,这样所有人能够重新投入各自的工作。要知道,开会不一定就是好的! 5)设计 VS 远程办公 近五年来,我一直进行远程办公。如今,我是Toptal设计团队的负责人。在我的职业生涯中,我发现了一些很有趣的事情。 A)远程办公很难创造出一些令人惊叹的设计产品。 你可以轻易传递98%的正确信息,然而解决剩余2%的小误差却非常困难。这是为什么呢?这是因为有些东西确实很难在网上进行沟通。与身处同一个房间的开发者进行交流和在线与开发者进行交流,这两者之间还是有区别的。相信我这两者绝对不同! B)这需要花费更多精力。 相比日程工作,你需要在更多细微的方面通知和鼓励员工。从根本上来说,你需要将你的内在精力分享出来给其他人。 C)你需要让传递信息变得更加直观。 当你向团队或者开发者递交反馈时,内容是什么其实无关紧要,你需要保证的是你对反馈内容进行了正确且直观的描述。 5)那么你如何能够远程创建更好的产品呢? 事实上,我们已经发现了一种最有效的方式:首先对产品的创作采用完全远程办公的方式,然后隔一段时间后,让设计团队聚在一起进行头脑风暴、改进每一处小细节、休整并且调动团队的积极性,之后所有人都可以回到各自的办公地点。理想情况下,每3或4个月进行一次会面是比较有效率的。大家在一起的时间不应该超过2周,否则你将失去动力。 这一切都是关于时间安排的问题。你应该根据产品创建的状态来安排团队会面。 6)远程办公的未来 还有一件事让我感到好奇。随着越来越多的公司开始提供远程办公(因为成本、当地缺乏有才华的员工或者其他方面的原因),我很好奇远程办公将会如何影响经济。会有更多的人在一个国家挣钱,却在另一个国家花钱,随着这类人群数量不断上升,这将会影响一些国家的经济。     Remote work is the future! What they haven’t told you about remote work. Working remotely is still a relatively new style, but according to reports almost 50% of tech companies will have more than 30% of their workforce operating remotely by 2020, which sounds crazy and awesome all at once. Both employees and companies will gain some huge benefits from this trend. 1) Freedom to choose location Going remote gives people the opportunity to choose any location they like. And I mean any location. As long as there is a proper internet connection, you can work from every location, even from the South Pole (if there is a Starbucks). Always keep in mind the following factors before moving to your next location. Quality of Internet Quality of Services Criminality Weather Costs For all these things I highly suggest you visit Nomad List, where you can find all the information you need for your next adventure! All information there is curated and directly from digital nomads all over the world. 2) Costs But what’s the biggest advantage? Being able to work naked? No! It’s that you can choose to live in places with better costs of living. Getting a salary from one country and spending it in another is a huge benefit. Imagine having a San Francisco salary (or even lower) without needing to pay the awfully high rent in the Bay Area. You can choose any location you like based on your preference and save tons of money. How much money? Let’s check out this small example below. If you’re able to work remotely, you will actually be left with more money because your expenses are way lower. Think about such the benefits that financial stability would give you and your family. You don’t need to only search for local jobs anymore. Be smart. 3) Do you feel alone? Keep in mind that remote work is not like working in the office. You simply don’t have anyone around you. You can’t go and chat with someone next to the coffee machine. You need to have the right mindset to be a remote worker (or you will need to develop it), and you sometimes might feel lonely. But there are always options to connect with people and teammates via meetups, Skype, Slack, etc. At the end of the day, you need to be a really strong individual to be able to handle all of these things. Remote working is not for everyone. 4) Team communication Keep in mind that remote teams can work like any other team that you’re used to, and even use similar tools in their process. I work at Toptal, which I’ve seen grow from 7 to 100+ employees without ever having an office. The entire company is remote, including the engineering team, design team, sales team, growth team, and more. One of our co-founders, Breanden, has been traveling non-stop since starting the company. You might think that’s crazy, and there really is no other big company doing things like this. How do we do this? Daily communication and meetings — Slack and Skype Weekly Demos — GoToMeeting Task Management — Trello, Jira, and Freshdesk Team Management — Custom tools Design Collaboration — Invision, Trello, Collabshot With all of these tools and proper scheduling, you can run an entire company remotely. Additionally, keep in mind that if you have meetings, keep them quick and to the point so everyone can get back to their work. Meetings are toxic. 5) Design vs. Remote Working I’ve been working remotely for almost 5 years, and now leading the design team at Toptal. During my career, I’ve found out a couple of interesting things. A) It’s harder to deliver awesome products (design-wise) remotely. It’s easy to deliver things 98% correct, but fixing the 2% worth of tiny differences can be tough. Why? Some things are simply harder to communicate online. There is a difference between iterating based on interactions with a developer who is in the room and one who is online. Trust me there is! :) You simply can’t go and tell them move a certain button 3 pixels up. B) It consumes a bit more energy. You need to inform and motivate people way more remotely than in regular work. You basically need to share a lot of your internal energy and give it to other people. C) You need to get way more visual. When you deliver feedback to your team or to a developer, it doesn’t matter what it is, you need to make sure that everything is described properly and also has good visualisations. 5) So how do you build better products remotely? We’ve actually found out the most efficient way to do this: Work fully remotely on the product, then after a period of time travel to one place together to brainstorm, polish every little detail, recharge, and motivate the team, and then everyone can move to a different location again. Ideally you should do this every 3/4 months to be effective, and you shouldn’t be together longer than 2 weeks, otherwise you will lose momentum. It’s all about timing. You should manage these meetups based on the product state. 6) The future of remote working There is one more thing I’m curious about. Since way more companies are going to start accommodating remote working (due to costs, lack of local talented employees, and other benefits), I’m curious how much it’s going to affect the economy. Many more people will be earning money in one state and spending all of it in another country, which could affect the economy as the volume of people doing this rises. Luboš is a Designer traveling all over the world. He is also leading the design team at Toptal. And constantly talking about design.       Source:Medium