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    【收购】Cornerstone Global Management宣布收购Paydrop,释放加密货币支付的力量 Cornerstone Global Management, Inc. 是一家金融科技公司,通过其薪酬转换平台将工资转化为比特币、莱特币、以太坊或稳定币,Cornerstone的转换引擎Hedge宣布通过现金和股票交换收购Paydrop。Paydrop为小型企业、单一成员企业和自由职业者提供一系列金融和支付服务。 Paydrop的高级领导团队将加入Cornerstone,将令人兴奋的新功能整合到已经充满活力的平台。Paydrop的杰出人才也将帮助Cornerstone呈指数级地扩大规模,为未来几个季度的大幅增长做准备。 Cornerstone的转换引擎Hedge使雇主和雇员能够将其工资报酬的可定制部分无缝转换为加密货币,并安全地存入他们选择的钱包中。通过收购Paydrop,Cornerstone将为美国境内的任何独立承包商、GIG经济工人和非传统收入的雇员提供薪资转换服务。 新的Hedge平台与雇主无关。拥有数千名员工的组织可以以Hedge作为员工福利,而自雇的自由职业者也同样可以从Hedge的直观平台中获益。 补偿金是由雇主以政府支持的货币支付给雇员的,因此任何一方都不会在补偿的原始点产生单独的应税事件。 公司和自雇的Hedge使用者都认为Hedge完全符合州和联邦法律,并且100%免费提供给公司作为支付其雇员的额外方式。 这次合并将使Hedge成为一个全方位的服务支付平台,并允许Hedge使用者们超越工资单,为所有交易发送和接收法币和/或加密货币的混合付款。 莱特币创始人、Crypto Giant和Cornerstone创始顾问Charlie Lee帮助启动了Cornerstone和Paydrop之间的收购和合作关系。据Lee的说法,这两个平台之间的合作是天作之合。了解Hedge和Paydrop背后的服务和团队,推荐两者更紧密地合作似乎很自然。 “Cornerstone收购Paydrop对双方来说都是明智之举,一旦Paydrop与Hedge的支付转换引擎相连接,将开启更多的机会," Hedge创始人David Schwartz说,"Hedge是一种方便的、无摩擦的方式,几乎任何人都可以加入货币自由的运动。" "Hedge对W-2和其他收入的转换与Paydrop的1099支付能力相结合,将为任何想用比特币、莱特币、加密货币或稳定币支付的人带来更大的支持,"Paydrop的前首席执行官Steven McClurg说,他现在也将担任Cornerstone的关键顾问和董事会成员,"我们对即将到来的事情感到兴奋,我期待着作为Cornerstone的董事与新老朋友合作。" 加密货币是世界上最具活力的行业之一,全球市值超过1.7万亿美元,预计到2027年增长将高达30万亿美元。 随着最近对Paydrop的收购,Cornerstone现在有望成为加密货币支付行业的主要参与者,因为更多的人都在寻找一种安全、便捷的方式来进入数字资产类别。 经济学家Larry Hunter是一名博士,有30多年为企业和华盛顿政策制定者提供咨询的经验,他说:"Cornerstone是一个游戏规则改变者,作为收入的加密货币将成为加密经济的稳定力量。Hedge和Paydrop的结合降低了进入加密货币市场的门槛,使个人有能力发展多样化的加密货币投资组合。“
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    初创公司CEO们分享王牌招聘秘诀 编者注:作为创业者来说,单单靠自己的力量是远远不够的。最理想的状态就是能够招募到一群志同道合的朋友或者员工来一同打拼。然而在雇佣员工方面,有很多的注意点。比如说,要遵循几个原则:首先是因事择人原则,即上面所说的志同道合;其次,就是公开、公平和公正原则,要给应征者平等的竞争机会;再次,竞争择优原则。当然,公司的招聘还要遵循效率优先原则,招聘活动要尽可能用低的成本找到合适的员工。   当下,最为流行的励志书籍之一就是Stephen Covey的《高效率人士的7大习惯》。这本书之所以能够吸引如此多的读者,是因为人们被CEO或者业务总监身居高位却如此的坚定和付出所震慑了。   以下就是CEO王牌雇佣准则的内容:   符合公司的发展要求 关注他们成功的原因是非常重要的。有些人会说,如果雇主不能招聘那些有能力的人来为其服务,他就不会成功。一家大型企业每年在组织寻找合适的潜在招聘对象的过程中都会损失成千上万美元。为了使得公司损失最小化以及利润最大化,CEO需要招聘合格的雇员。为了避免做出错误的招聘决定,他们需要寻求那些有对口技能和证书资质的人。如果候选人没有达到要求,那么雇主就不应该再将其考虑在内。而那些最成功CEO的招聘策略则可以给你启示,告诉你如何为自己的公司招兵买马。   绩效考核 对于你来说,招聘一位员工并且给他一定时间的试用期来考察能力是一个不错的做法。而此后他的去留都取决于在试用期内的表现。而另外一种检验雇员能力保守的方法就是让他独立完成一个项目。但是,还有一点很重要,那就是你要咨询一位精通劳动法的律师来确保你的雇佣合同中有关试用阶段的条款的可行性。   现实中没有十全十美的人 因为人无完人,所以你需要宽容个人的某些缺点。每一个个体都存在缺点,但是最重要的是招聘那些长处突出而缺点略少的人。为了达到这个目的,你可以把集体的共同意愿和理想分解成那些可调停、可选择以及值得拥有的部分。这样才能让自己清楚明白自己是否愿意妥协。 并且,在你面试候选人时,你还需要尽可能调整自己的态度,拿下领导的帽子,以免对员工太苛刻。所以说,记住打破某些固有习惯还是很重要的。   员工是你的镜子 Bill Unrue是InsureWell的CEO,他认为所招聘的员工某种程度上反映了雇主的特征。每一位CEO都必须意识到:雇员的内部或外部行为都是公司的外界反馈。Unrue说:“如果有两位有着相似资质的人需要做出选择,你一定要选择那个热情大于一切的。”在企业初创之时,无限的驱动力可以弥补某些技术上的缺陷。   听听Rockefeller怎么说 John D. Rockefeller是 Standard Oil 的创始人兼CEO,他有一句关于强调招聘顶尖人才的名言。他说:“我不信有什么还能比坚持更必要,更能带来成功。坚持可以战胜所有的困难,甚至是人类的极限。”且不谈论他们的技术如何,你只要招聘那些能够证明自己充满无限活力并且积极进取的人。 联邦快递(FedEx)CEO Fred Smith 联邦快递的CEO Fred Smith与Facebook的Mark Zuckerberg有着同样的信念,他偏向于公司的招聘要反映出领导人的原则。这是招聘那些为公司发展做出贡献的能力者的唯一途径。他说:“领导者站在前沿,不断地提高评判自己和接受评判的标准。”对于将来的创业家和CEO来说,招聘员工时做出正确决策是非常重要的。CEO必须要在面试过程中识别出顶尖人才。   Startup CEOs Share Their Number One Hiring Tip One of the most popular motivational books of our time is "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," by Stephen Covey. The book has actually attracted large numbers of people who are amazed at how devoted and determined CEOs or business directors acquire and preserve such high positions.   The best cogs in the machine It is important to note the reasons for their success. Some would say that a CEO cannot be successful if he or she does not employ the services of capable employees. A big organization loses tens-of-thousands of dollars a year in the course of choosing the right candidates to hire. In order to minimize losses and maximize profit in your company, there is a need for CEOs to employ qualified candidates. To prevent making the mistake of hiring the wrong employee, CEOs have to search for a candidate that has the qualities and credentials he or she seeks. If the candidate does not meet the requirements needed, that candidate should not be considered. Examining the hiring tactics of the most successful CEOs gives new insights into how to hire for your own company.   Test performance It's a good idea to hire a person and put him or her on probation for some time, after which the candidate will be fully employed or laid off depending on his or her performance. Another conservative method to test prospective employee abilities is to create a project that can be completed as an independent contractor. It's important to note however that you should talk to a labor or employment lawyer to make sure your employment contract talks about the test period appropriately.   The perfect person doesn't exist Since no one is perfect, you need to tolerate some weak points in individuals. Every individual has his or her own weak points, but the most important thing is to employ one whose strengths far outweigh any weaknesses. You can do this by breaking down your collective wishes, hopes and dreams into deal-breakers versus nice-to-haves. That's the best way to figure out where you're willing to compromise.   You also need to shift your priorities as you interview candidates to avoid being too rigid on your employees. It's therefore important to bear in mind that there are some deals that are meant to be broken.   Your employees are your reflection Bill Unrue, the CEO of InsureWell believes that the employees you hire are a reflection of you. Every CEO must realize that all actions of their employees, both internal and external, are reflections of the company. "If you are choosing between two candidates with similar credentials, always go with the one who shows boundless enthusiasm--over other considerations, says Unrue." In business, a relentless drive can make up for quite a few lacking technical skills at the very beginning.   Listen to Rockefeller John D. Rockefeller was the founder and CEO of Standard Oil and his most famous quote puts emphasis on hiring top tier talent. He says, "I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature." No matter their skills, only hire people who have proven themselves to be relentless go-getters.   FedEx CEO Fred Smith Frederick Smith, the CEO of FedEx has the same belief as Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. He recommends that the company's hiring practices should reflect the principles of the leader. This is the only way to hire capable employees that have all it takes to contribute to the growth of the company. He elaborates:"Leaders get out in front and stay there by raising the standards by which they judge themselves--and by which they are willing to be judged." It is quite important for would-be entrepreneurs and future CEOs to make good decisions when it comes to employing a staff. A CEO must have the quality of recognizing top talents during interviews.   Source:Inc
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    优秀人才喜欢什么样的创业公司?2016年招聘季可以准备起来了 本文作者Chad Halvorson为When I Work的创始人兼CEO 在所有成功的创业公司背后,总是有一支充满激情、目标明确的优秀团队在推动公司不断向前发展。每一个创业公司地拥有者都希望成功,因此不可避免地他们都会忍不住问这样一个问题:“如何才能找到最优秀的人才帮助我?” 为什么大家都求贤若渴呢?因为如果你能为顶尖人才创造一个理想的工作环境,你就拥有了拉拢最最优秀人才的机会——而这些人才可以助你实现创业理想,可以使你的公司声名远播。 那么,在未来到底要怎么做才能吸引为数不多的顶尖人才加入到你的创业团队?就目前而言,响亮的头衔,具有竞争力的薪水还有完美的合作环境都是吸引优秀人才的好方法。但是光有这些还远远不够。打破思维定势,你可以获得任何竞争对手所不具备的优势。下面我们就来了解一下其他吸引优秀人才的好方法。 提示:以下提到的建议并不一定都适用于你的公司。你不必照搬这些解决方案。之所以列出这些建议和案例,是为了给大家一个参考,打开各位的思路,从而找到行之有效的最佳人才吸引策略。你是创业公司的拥有者、创始人,你才是那个决定什么样的方案最适合你的公司和团队的人。 股权之外 股权是创业公司招聘的最爱。如果你的公司正处于发展早期,股权可以替你弥补在公司稳定性方面的不足。有风投支持的创业公司通常会给匀出所有股份的10-20%作为员工的福利。有的创业公司就做到这里,但你知道你应该为员工提供更多。 除了提供单一的金融股权之外,你还可以允许你的员工真正地投资公司产品或服务。优秀的员工乐于投入他们的精力,同时他们也更希望参与公司的发展策略。招聘杰出人才地时候可以许诺他们一些诱人的东西:新产品的开发,产品重新设计,乃至管理的机会。在创业公司领域,人员流动率很高——顶尖的人才希望可以在一开始就可以产生有力影响而不是光拿工资。通过一些简单地改变,在你的公司里营造出富有竞争力和远大抱负的氛围。 团队思考靠边站:顶尖人才通常喜欢独树一帜。不要强迫新员工接受公司的一贯风格,而是鼓励他们提出自己独特的见解。 培养独立项目:Google可能将不得不删减掉20%的模型,但是你不必这么做。给你的员工充分的时间培养他们的好奇心。个人创新力量永远不可预测! 放下繁文缛节:放在员工面前的障碍越多,他们越没有动力。简单合理的审批程序有助于把创意转化为实际成果。 价值观和透明度 物以类聚人以群分。如果你想让员工都诚实可靠,你需要在公司业务的各个方面都体现出你的价值观去。如果你不这么做,优秀的人才很容易在面试中就察觉到你公司空泛不切实际的价值观,有时候甚至不需要面试仅仅瞥一眼你的公司主页就知深浅。 比如这家出色的创业公司Asana,公司的价值观渗透到工作中的每一个环节。公司的名字来源于瑜伽概念“asana”,指的是一种可以帮助练习者重新感知幸福的姿势。Asana的价值观包括了沉思和平静,但又不仅限于言语——这些价值观体现在公司文化的方方面面。比如由家庭主厨准备的有机餐点和现场瑜伽都体现了该公司所想表达的价值观。越是优秀的人才越能够与公司内在信息达成共鸣,所以务必时刻展现你公司的价值观。 有的公司甚至会做更多。比如通过透明化的博客内容分享公司内部的工作情况。Buffer,Moz和Unbounce都是这方面的极好例子——如果你效仿他们的方法,你或许可以从招聘中获益匪浅。当Buffer在他们的博客上公布了员工的薪酬之后,他们立刻收到了大量的简历,是上一个月收到的简历数量两倍之多。正如他们的首席执行官Joel Gascoigne所说,“在过去我们从未能如此快速地找到优秀的人才。”当创业公司坦诚地传达自己的价值观之后,他们得到的是信任——无法用价格衡量的信任。 家庭福利 当潜在的员工考虑你的公司时,他们思考的不只是这份工作是不是最适合他们的职业生涯,而是这份工作是否有利于他们的所有生活。如果你真心渴求优秀人才,不要吝啬你的钱,从投资家人开始俘获他们的忠心。 一家位于旧金山的公司Paper G做了一项调查研究,发现创业公司通常会为员工提供健身会员卡、餐补,甚至在承诺带薪产假之前还有交通补贴。提供实质性的且有证明的父母福利可以对留住公司人才起到显著的积极作用。不信可以问问Mary Ellen Slayter。Mary Ellen是Reputation Capital的首席执行官,她想方设法用带薪产假留住了她的营销战略主管。Lee,就是那位主管,答应未来继续回来工作,“如果只是拿工资,那么我大可以心不在焉地工作或者干脆辞职离开,我完全不用在意。然而是我的团队,他们的团结一致,合作关心让我觉得在这里的每一天工作都无比美好。” 另外一家技术创业公司Treehouse LLC则从另一个层面表现出对员工家庭的照顾——这家公司一到周四就放假休息了!周五,所有员工都可以呆在家里陪着家人。公司的首席执行官兼创始人Ryan Carson解释道,“自从实行一周四天工作制后,招聘和人员保留都变得容易顺利多了!你简直想象不到。当有人在Google或者Facebook以及我们公司之间摇摆不定时,我们就会告诉他,‘我们这里一周只需要工作四天,考虑一下吧!’这一招屡试不爽,说是我们的招聘王牌一点也不夸张。毕竟,没有可以抵抗这种福利诱惑。”你会拒绝一个一周只需要工作四天的工作吗?当然不会啦! 因人制宜 Treehouse LLC的例子提醒了我们朝九晚五的工作时间制已成为过去。每个人都希望自己的工作时间能够适应自己的需求和利益。为什么一定要员工来适应你的工作时间要求而不是你去迎合他们的需求呢?把工作个性化作为市场营销和管理的一种技术,并且全身心地接受它,你会发现身边的优秀人才会越聚越多。 个性化的办公空间:有研究表明用植物或者照片装饰他们的办公空间的员工更加高产。Asana为其员工提供了1万美元用来创造设计他们自己的办公空间——不妨设想一下你的员工会怎么使用这笔钱装饰他们的办公空间? 工作地点独立性:Baremetrics,Zapier,InVision这些创业公司都十分欢迎分散式的团队,他们的员工可以在任何地方工作。如果你无法接受全职的远程工作,那么还可以尝试一下FullContact的做法。这家位于丹佛的创业公司为员工提供了“微远程工作机会”。FullContact的员工每年中可以有一个月的时间随便在哪里工作,并且FullContact还会送你到你想去的地方工作。在When I Work,我们同样用类似的福利吸引招聘全国范围内最优秀的人才。 弹性工作时间:如果你想招聘到高产高效的人才,那就把你的关注点放在他们交付的成果上,不要去计较他们的工作时间。然后你会发现你的员工保留率提高了,员工评估变得理想了,所以把无关紧要的指标放到一边去吧! 假如你能做到以上几点,你的公司在招聘市场上势必会变得更加具有吸引力和竞争力。既然你决议要吸纳当地最优秀的人才,那么你还应该保证你有能力留住这些人才。在HireArt的一份调查研究中显示,25%的创业公司反馈说约有一半的非技术人入职不到半年便离开了。如果你在渴求的人才之间培养一个开放的对话模式,并保持一个灵活的态度,我相信你至少可以在你的公司里更长久地留住优秀员工。 How To Attract Top Talent To Join Your Startup in 2016 Behind every great startup you've ever read or heard about exists a team of passionate, talented, and motivated individuals driving growth. The question most new startup owners ask themselves is, "how do I get the most talented people to help me?"   The fact of the matter is, by cultivating the ideal environment for top talent, you have an opportunity to compete with the best of the best in order to reign in the very best employees out there--the ones that can help you put your startup on the map.   So how do you do it? How can you attract top talent to join your startup in 2016? Yes, there are some obvious ways to reign in the best talent: hefty titles, uber-competitive salaries and awesome collaborations. But there's a lot more to it than that. By thinking outside the box, you can gain the edge over just about any competitor. Here are some ideas on how to best approach attracting top talent.   Note: not every solution mentioned below will be right for your company. Don’t feel like you have to offer or implement everything you read here. The purpose of presenting these ideas and examples is to provide you with a complete picture and get you thinking about what you can realistically and feasibly offer at your company for your employees. As an owner or founder, it’s up to you to decide which solutions work best for you and your team.   Beyond Equity Every startup hire loves equity. If you are in the early stage of your growth, equity can help you compensate for the stability talent would find at a established company. Venture-backed startups typically offer employee equity out of the 10-20% of the total shares of the business. Some startups stop there, but you shouldn't.   Instead of solely offering financial equity, allow your talent to truly invest in your product or service. The best employee are happy to pitch in with labor, but they really want a hand in strategy. Recruit talent by giving them something big: a new product development, a design reboot or even a management opportunity. In the startup world, turnover is high--top recruits want to make a big impact from the beginning rather than paying dues. Foster this ambition by making simple changes.   Let Go of Group Think: Top talent usually has an independent streak. Don't make new hires to drink the company kool-aid, and instead ask them to contribute their unique perspectives. Nurture Independent Projects: Google may have axed its 20% model, but that doesn't mean that you should. Give employees time to nurture their curiosities. Who knows what can come from individual innovation? Down with the Red Tape: The more roadblocks you place in front of talent, the more frustrated they become. Streamline approval processes to allow for greater ease between ideas and their fruition.   Values and Transparency Like attracts like. If you want talent with integrity, you need to embody your values in every aspect of your business. If you don't, the best hires will sniff out your company's hollow values in an interview, or even at a first glance at your company's blog.   Asana, a productivity startup, does a tremendous job embodying their values in every level of their work. The founders pulled the company name from the yogic notion of "asana," which refers to postures that restore one's sense of wellbeing. Asana's values, which include mindfulness and equanimity, are not just words--they are present in every aspect their community culture. Perks like shared, organic meals prepared by a homechef and on-site yoga are meaningful embodiments of Asana'sstated values. The top talent for your company will always resonate with your deepest message, so make sure to let your values shine (we link to ours right on theWhen I Work Careers page to make sure that they are front and center for anyone interested in coming to work for us).   Some companies take their mission a step further, embracing transparency blogging as a way to share internal workings. Buffer, Moz and Unbounce are great examples of this marketing approach--if you follow their lead, you could reap rewards during recruitment. After Buffer posted employee salaries on their blog, they received more than double the applications than they had the month prior. As their CEO Joel Gascoigne said, "We've never been able to find great people this quickly in the past." When startups embody and demystify their values, it nurtures trust--something you can't put a pricetag on.   Family Benefits As potential employees consider your company, they will think about whether it's in the best interest of their whole lives not just their work lives. If you want to recruit the best talent, put your money where their hearts are by investing in families.   A survey from the San Francisco-based Paper G found that startups often offer gym memberships, meals and even subsidized transportation before committing to paid parental leave policies. Offering substantial and documented parent benefits can help corral and keep talent in your company. Just ask Mary Ellen Slayter. As the CEO of Reputation Capital, Mary Ellen went above and beyond to give her director of marketing strategy a paid maternity leave. Lee, the director, said about coming back to work, "If my job was just a paycheck, it would have been easy for me to mentally check out or leave altogether. It's my team of committed, caring coworkers that make me excited to have this job every day."   The tech startup Treehouse LLC takes family-friendly to the next level by closing its doors every Thursday evening. On Fridays, employees stay home with their families. As chief executive and founder Ryan Carson told the Washington Post, "It makes recruiting and retention so much easier. It's almost funny. When someone is considering us or Google or Facebook, we say, 'Well, are you going to work a four-day week there?' It's almost like our amazing ace up the sleeve. It's just something nobody can beat." Would you turn down a four-day-a-week job? Probably not!   Personalization As Treehouse LLC shows us, the age of the cookie-cutter 9-5 is over. Everyone wants a job that accommodates their needs, strengths and interests. Why not mold your expectations instead of expecting your employees to mold to you? Embracing job personalization as a marketing and management technique will entice (and keep) the best talent around. Personalized Office Space: One study showed that workers who could personalize their office space with plants or pictures were 32 percent more productive. Asana gives its employees $10,000 to create their own workspaces--imagine what your employees could do with that kind of money? Location Independence: Startups like Baremetrics, Zapier, InVision embrace a distributed team, and their employees can work from anywhere. If you're not able to offer full-time remote work, follow FullContact's lead. This startup based in Denver offers mini-remote opportunities instead. Their employees can work wherever they want for one month of the year, and FullContact will help them to get there, too! At When I Work, we also offer this perk as a way to attract and hire the best people from around the country. Flexible Hours: If you want to attract productive talent, value their deliverables rather than their hours on the job. You will increase your retention rate and shift your employee evaluations to powerful, rather than irrelevant metrics.   Taking each of these steps makes your company more appealing from the outside. Now that you're on your way to bringing in the best talent in town, you have to make sure you don't lose them faster than you can say, "You're hired." In a survey by HireArt, 25% of startups reported losing 50% of their non-technical talent within the first six months of work. If you cultivate open dialogue with talents and maintain a posture of flexibility, you can reverse the statistic--at least within your company.   Source:Inc
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    移动应用大行其道:你的企业准备好了吗? 从自适应网页设计到支付,移动应用对于小型企业而言已经变得日益重要。该如何将移动为你所用,答案就在下文之中。   移动应用将很快成为“主流”的说法并不恰当,同时也说明着这种情况还尚未发生。市场已经发生了改变,许多商家已然将移动业务视作企业基石的一部分。Forrester称,将移动业务纳入商业战略的企业已经迈出了超前的一步。如果你想要自己的企业获得成功,那么你就必须利用移动设备来改善客户体验。然而,客户体验从昔日的台式机、笔记本转移到如今屏幕更小的移动设备,这对于那些依旧钻研该如何通过网页、app与客户进行互动的企业而言,并非易事。如果你的企业还纠结于该制定何种移动策略的话,以下这些内容会对你有所帮助。   了解移动用户 在现如今这个日益趋于数据导向的世界中,商家在努力去了解消费者行为背后所隐藏的动机。《哈佛商业评论》发现,68%的移动设备使用都是发生在用户的家中,包括打游戏、浏览购物或是八卦网站在内的大多数活动所占用的都是“私人专属时间”。通过对许多用户与设备进行互动方式的研究,企业可以对自己的营销力度进行调整,从而与目标受众相匹配。   忘掉app 尽管尚有例外,但是依赖于app或是网页来吸引客户的商家可以说是已经落伍了。Forrester指出,与其说期待app下载量或是网页访问数的增长,倒不如对用户进行定位,从而“占用”他们使用移动设备的时间。   想要与客户进行接触?以下的这些方式可供你参考:   移动支付app——在2015年,店家们正忙于将店内的设备(刷卡机)更换成能够接受新型EMV芯片卡的设备。将设备升级到NFC功能版本的成本大约在40美元左右,这与将设备完全NFC化的花费相较而言只是很少的一部分。随着越来越多的消费者将自己的智能手机更换为具有NFC功能的新款,Apple Pay和其它NFC支付方式的使用数量也会呈现增长,零售商们在处理这些支付时将会面临更大的压力。   导航app——消费者一般都是边走边查店铺信息,所以商家必须保证自己的店铺信息能够在各种导航app中有着明显标注。   评论网站——虽然对于商家来说,对消费者的评价进行控制并不是一件容易事。相较于店家自己的页面而言,消费者从Yelp 和 Google Reviews上获取的信息会更多。商家确保自己的信息在这些网站上有所罗列,并且鼓励忠实客户来此发表评论,这点非常重要。   让移动端下单变得简捷 星巴克即将推出的点餐移动端对于消费者所期待的便利而言,只展现了极小的一部分。如果当地餐厅能够提供送餐服务的话,移动端点餐将会大有不同,特别是当店家与诸如GrubHub等外送承包公司展开合作时。对于产品供应商而言,让消费者能够很快的在移动设备上找的自己的产品、撰写评价、进行购买将会是一个持续的挑战,意味着购物页面必须在屏幕更小的移动设备上也能良好展现。   专注于移动内容营销 如果你的内容营销策略完全专注于在谷歌上如何进行呈现的话,那么在2015年,你可能需要对此进行重新思考。品牌也开始专注于从移动设备上与消费者进行接触,在这种方式中,客户注意力的持续时间及感受与浏览传统网页是有所不同的。在现如今以移动为主导的营销世界中,讲述故事法已经成为了重要的组成部分,同时也是品牌与消费者进行接触时所采用的独特方式。   不难发现,今年,手机在很大程度上对客户的行为造成了影响。品牌通过一定的方式对科技加以利用,与消费者进行接触,从而在商业竞争中脱颖而出。商家可以调整自己的内容营销策略,与第三方应用签订合同,从而拿下客户。   (via inc,译|快鲤鱼)