• Phenom People
    【美国】人才体验管理平台Phenom People获得了3000万美元的融资 人力资源平台Phenom People利用人工智能(AI)帮助企业吸引新人才,在WestBridge Capital领投的C轮融资中获得了3000万美元的资金,eBay创始人Pierre Omidyar的风险投资公司Omidyar Ventures、AXA Venture Partners、Sierra Ventures也参与了这轮融资,以及Sigma Prime Ventures、Karlani Capital和AllianceBernstein旗下的一家基金。 成立于2010年,总部位于费城的Phenom People宣称其“人才体验管理”(TXM)平台是为希望通过个性化的工作和内容推荐,以及聊天机器人和内容管理系统来构建职业网站的公司提供的一站式解决方案( CMS)用于将新内容推送到网站。 招聘中的AI 许多初创公司正在利用AI和自动化来简化招聘流程,其中包括位于纽约的Fetcher,该公司处理数据以主动寻找新候选人。旧金山的Xor,使用AI进行招聘和筛选;以及位于纽约的Pymetrics,它可以帮助公司通过神经科学游戏进行候选人评估。 Phenom People在全球拥有约300个客户,其中包括Microsoft等大客户,Microsoft使用Phenom People平台为其职业门户提供动力。Phenom People首席执行官兼联合创始人Mahe Bayireddi当时说:“微软是领先的技术组织致力于通过AI驱动的体验来革新候选人体验的绝佳典范。” 其他著名客户包括亚马逊拥有的Audible and Whole Foods、福特、通用汽车、好时和飞利浦。 除了之前获得的2900万美元之外,Phenom People还拥有3000万美元的新资金,可以很好地扩展其现有500名员工的规模,并在全球发展。 Bayireddi说:“全球组织正在将其支出从传统的单一HR工具转移到数据驱动的智能人才体验平台。” “首席人力资源官可以采用现代方法进行投资-将候选人、招聘人员、员工和管理人员在整个人才生命周期中的所有互动联系在一起。”   如何运行 整合了Phenom People's技术的公司可以利用基于人的技能、位置和兴趣的AI支持的建议,并通过自然语言处理(NLP)来了解候选人的需求,从而展示职位。这可能涉及将搜索词与同义词相关联或突出显示其他紧密相关的字段。该系统还可以根据某人的个人资料(例如,如果他们已使用LinkedIn凭据登录)、搜索历史记录、他们单击的内容等来建议职位空缺。 另外,公司可以采用更具对话性的方法,集成一个Phenom People聊天机器人,该机器人可以回答一些问题,例如公司当前是否在特定区域内有空缺职位。Bayireddi表示,Phenom People于去年1月启动了其聊天机器人,在过去的一年中,它已经捕获了2000万次互动,同时“每个人都变得越来越聪明”。 “为了帮助聊天机器人学习并更好地个性化人才体验,我们的客户向它提供了它渴望的信息,例如有关该组织的常见问题和事实,” Bayireddi告诉VentureBeat。 上图:Phenom People聊天机器人 对于人才的获取,Phenom People的平台将工作描述中的关键信息(例如,所需的技能、经验和学历)与候选人资料中的数据进行匹配,以建立最佳匹配。 但是,该平台不仅仅用于帮助公司为其员工增加新面孔,它还可以用于通过显示潜在的晋升,从其校友网络获得工作推荐等来帮助内部候选人规划职业道路。 上图:“职业道路发现” 在招聘方面,人工智能有助于匹配技能和兼容性,以帮助确定某个职位的最佳人选,而招聘人员还可以重新发现过去可能略有短缺的候选人。 上图:Phenom People提供AI指导的候选人见解   大数据 Bayireddi指出,他公司的AI算法由庞大的数据集提供支持,该数据集每年合并30亿个事件,并包括一个由1亿候选人、8,000招聘人员、200万员工和2000万活跃职位空缺组成的网络。 “这些观察结果变成了10,000个标记,用于形成360多个人才信号,” Bayireddi说。“这些人才信号对于使我们的平台的AI真实且具有影响力至关重要。” “人才信号”本质上是根据招聘和各个行业的当前市场状况进行的微观洞察。还结合了网络活动,该网络活动是指从Phenom People生态系统内部产生的内部信号。 通过使用这些类型的标记,Phenom People向公司承诺为工具提供个性化职业站点,使求职更加智能,并基于大数据为招聘人员提供更深刻的见解。 “这使候选人、招聘人员、员工和管理人员可以获得所需的信息(无论是相关的职位、数据还潜在客户),可以更快地做出更明智的决策,” Bayireddi总结道。   以上由AI翻译,仅供参考! 作者:PAUL SAWERS 来源:https://venturebeat.com/2020/01/16/phenom-people-raises-30-million-for-ai-recruitment-platform-used-by-microsoft-others/
    Phenom People
  • Phenom People
    美国招聘网站Phenom People获得600万美元A轮融资 Phenom People成立于,总部位于美国霍舍姆。 该公司为一个招聘网站平台,他们通过传统的指纹和IP来收集用户的信息并且智能的匹配用户和工作的相关度。 本次领投的公司是Sierra Ventures。     Phenom People, A Customizable Job Application Service, Raises $6M It can seem at times that job application sites for companies are a black hole and impossible to navigate. That’s why Phenom People, a service that customizes company job search pages for individuals, wants to try to fix that experience.   The company, which said it raised $6 million in venture financing led by Sierra Ventures, basically keeps tabs on who is visiting a company’s application page — like what jobs they view and where they come in from — and builds custom job search pages for them. For example, if someone has viewed a couple of jobs for a marketing role, they might be shown other roles that they might not have thought of when they visit a second time.   “We collect [a lot of data] to understand candidate intent — why is this here, what is it looking for,” CEO Mahe Bayireddi said. “So every time they come back we give a unique experience based on previous behavior, intent and persona. It’s all so we can give them a unique employment value proposition based on what they’re looking for.”   Recruiters also use the service to find potential recruits that might be good fits, which isn’t necessarily obvious if recruiters are just paying attention to the applications coming in. If a potential recruit is coming back three or four times and browsing the site, it may show that they are more interested in the job than someone just simply applying for jobs point-blank, Bayireddi said.   Phenom People uses traditional fingerprinting and IP tools in order to understand who that person is and collect data on them. It then builds an interest graph of sorts for that person, customizing the page for a company’s application site on the spot.   Part of the justification for a service like this to exist, Bayireddi said, is that while there are other services for searching jobs like LinkedIn, many inevitably end up back on the company’s home job search page. They might not actually apply for a job there, but might be coming back to the site regularly from other kinds of job search services, which offers additional data. “The person can come from Google, look for a job, leave, and after 15 minutes come in from LinkedIn, and then leave, and then come in from Indeed,” he said. “People think it’s just from Indeed, but no, it’s multiple steps. They might even visit GlassDoor. Every track is basically managed by us to understand where they are coming from.”   So how is this different from a service like Greenhouse, or other job application services? Those services are simply backend systems that serve as a supply chain of sorts for recruiters, Bayireddi said. That, of course, doesn’t mean that they will always be that — if the market for something like this is as large as Bayireddi believes, it’s certainly in the realm of possibility that a company like other recruiting startups would begin doing something similar. And of course, there are ways to apply directly through LinkedIn, which might render a service like this moot.   This is Bayireddi’s first round of financing, but the company has been around for around four years, teaching him to basically run a lean an operation as a company can get. And that’s part of the reason the startup is going to remain in Philadelphia, as well, he said.   “That’s part of the unique nature of how we did it,” he said. “We primarily lean toward less costs, that’s a good attribution being in Philadelphia. We have no intention to move to Silicon Valley. Some of the funds asked us if you can move to Silicon Valley, our thought process is, ‘hey, we want to sit here because we want to build a community around here,’ and that’s important.”     来源:techcrunch.com
    Phenom People