• 103.6亿
    51job发布了2021年第一季度财务业绩:收入8.95亿人民币,利润0.57亿美元。手握103.6亿人民币现金和短期投资 51JOB今天(6月25日)公布了未经审计的财务业绩。 2021 年第一季度截至 2021年3 月 31 日。 2021 年第一季度财务亮点: 净收入较 2020 年第一季度增长 13.2% 至人民币 8.952 亿元(1.366 亿美元) 在线招聘服务收入下降 0.3% 其他人力资源相关收入增长 43.3% 经营收入为人民币 390 万元(60 万美元) 每股完全摊薄收益为人民币0.84 元 (0.13 美元) 剔除股权激励费用、外币换算收益、上市股权证券投资公允价值变动以及这些项目的相关税收影响,非美国通用会计准则调整后的每股摊薄收益为人民币1.53 元 (美国0.23 美元) 2021 年第一季度未经审计的财务业绩 截至 2021 年 3 月 31 日止第一季度的净收入为人民币 8.952 亿元(1.366 亿美元),较 2020 年同期的人民币 7.911 亿元增长 13.2%。 2021 年第一季度在线招聘服务收入为人民币 5.454 亿元(8,320 万美元),而2020 年同期为人民币 5.470 亿元。虽然公司观察到 2021 年市场状况和招聘活动有所改善,但同比下降主要是由于 2 月中旬春节假期的日历影响,导致 2021 年招聘旺季开始较晚,影响了第一年可确认的收入金额今年的第一个季度。公司认为,2021 年其在线招聘业务将继续复苏。 2021 年第一季度的其他人力资源相关收入从2020 年同期的人民币2.441 亿元增长 43.3% 至人民币 3.498 亿元(5,340 万美元)。与由于 2020 年第一季度 COVID-19 大流行而带来的具有挑战性的环境以及严格的旅行和社会限制相比,今年的业务流程外包服务。 2021 年第一季度的毛利润从去年同期的人民币5.368 亿元增长 6.8% 至人民币 5.734 亿元(8,750 万美元)。2021 年第一季度的毛利率(即毛利润占净收入的百分比)为 64.1%,而 2020 年同期为 67.9%。服务成本的增加主要是由于员工薪酬费用和员工费用增加所致。补充。 2021 年第一季度的营业费用从2020 年同期的人民币3.668 亿元增长 55.2% 至人民币 5.695 亿元(8,690 万美元)。2021年第一季度的销售和营销费用增长 71.6% 至人民币 473.9 元百万美元(7230 万美元)从去年同期的人民币 2.762 亿元增加,主要是由于广告活动和品牌建设活动的支出增加以及员工人数增加和员工薪酬支出增加。2021 年第一季度的广告和推广费用增长 208.8% 至人民币 2.312 亿元(3,530 万美元)上年同期为人民币 7490 万元。公司计划今年大幅增加销售和营销投资,以加强其品牌并推广其广泛的服务产品。 2021 年第一季度的一般和管理费用从去年同期的人民币9,060 万元增加 5.4% 至人民币 9,550 万元(1,460 万美元),主要是由于股权激励费用增加、信贷拨备损失、专业服务费和办公室相关费用。 2021 年第一季度的运营收入为390 万元人民币(60 万美元),而2020 年第一季度为人民币 1.700 亿元。营业利润率,即运营收入占净收入的百分比,为 0.4%与 2021 年第一季度的 21.5% 相比,2021 年第一季度的营业利润率为 4.8%,而 2020 年第一季度的营业利润率为 26.2%。 本公司于 2021 年第一季度确认外币折算收益为人民币530 万元(80 万美元),而 2020 年第一季度为人民币 1,020 万元,主要是由于汇率变动的影响。本公司美元现金存款的人民币及美元。 公司在 2021 年第一季度确认了按市值计价的非现金亏损人民币 1330 万元(200 万美元),而 2020 年第一季度的收益为人民币 990 万元,这是由于华立大学集团有限公司的上市股权证券投资的公允价值,该公司在香港联交所交易。 2021 年第一季度归属于 51job 的净利润为人民币 5720 万元(870 万美元),而2020 年同期为人民币 2.052 亿元。2021年第一季度的每股摊薄收益为人民币0.84 ( 0.13 美元),而2020 年同季度为3.02 元人民币。 2021 年第一季度,股权激励费用总额为3890 万元人民币(590 万美元),而2020 年第一季度为3710 万元人民币。 剔除股权激励费用、外币换算收益、上市权益性证券投资公允价值变动以及这些项目的相关税收影响,2021年第一季度非美国通用会计准则调整后归属于51job的净利润为人民币 1.041 亿元(1,590 万美元),而2020 年第一季度为人民币 2.223 亿元。2021 年第一季度非美国通用会计准则调整后的完全摊薄每股收益为人民币1.53 元 (0.23 美元),而人民币 3 元。 2020 年第一季度为27。 截至2021 年 3 月 31 日,现金和短期投资总额为人民币 103.593 亿元(15.811 亿美元),而截至 2020 年 12 月 31 日为人民币 107.619 亿元。 拟购买上海新总部办公楼 待当地政府部门批准出售后,本公司拟在上海购买一栋写字楼,作为其新的公司总部。 该建筑面积约为 32,400 平方米,将适应公司的持续增长和业务扩展。截至2021年3月31日,总收购价预计约为人民币20.7亿元(3.16亿美元),并已缴纳定金人民币4.099亿元(6260万美元)。 货币便利翻译 为方便读者,部分人民币金额已按人民币6.5518元兑 1.00美元的汇率折算成美元金额,即 H 中规定的2021年3 月 31 日在纽约进行的人民币电汇中午买入汇率。.10 联邦储备委员会每周发布的统计数据。 非 GAAP 财务指标的使用 为了补充根据美国公认会计原则 (“GAAP”) 呈报的合并财务报表,51job 使用非 GAAP 财务指标衡量所得税费用前的收入、所得税费用、调整后的净收入、51job 的调整后的净收入调整后每股收益,根据基于公认会计原则的结果进行调整,不包括股权激励费用、外币换算收益和上市股权证券投资公允价值变动,以及这些项目的相关税收影响。公司认为,从非 GAAP 财务指标中剔除以股份为基础的薪酬费用及其相关税收影响有助于其管理层和投资者评估和分析公司的 作为此类费用的核心经营业绩不直接归因于公司业务运营的基本绩效,也不影响其现金收益。本公司认为,从其非公认会计准则财务指标中剔除外币换算收益和上市权益性证券投资公允价值变动以及相关税收影响对其管理层和投资者有用,因为这种换算、盯记市场收益或损失不代表公司的核心业务运营,不会导致现金结算,也不会影响公司的现金收益。51job 还认为,这些非 GAAP 财务指标不包括基于股票的薪酬费用、外币换算收益和上市股权证券投资的公允价值变动,以及这些项目的相关税收影响,对于帮助投资者了解公司当前的财务业绩和未来前景以及在一致的基础上比较不同报告期间的业务趋势非常重要。这些额外措施的呈现不应被视为替代或优于 GAAP 结果,也不应被视为与其他公司报告或预测的结果具有可比性。非 GAAP 措施已与所附财务报表中的 GAAP 措施一致。这些额外措施的呈现不应被视为替代或优于 GAAP 结果,也不应被视为与其他公司报告或预测的结果具有可比性。非 GAAP 措施已与所附财务报表中的 GAAP 措施一致。这些额外措施的呈现不应被视为替代或优于 GAAP 结果,也不应被视为与其他公司报告或预测的结果具有可比性。非 GAAP 措施已与所附财务报表中的 GAAP 措施一致。 关于 51job 51job成立于1998年,是中国领先的综合人力资源服务提供商。51job 拥有一套全面的人力资源解决方案,在从最初招聘到员工保留和职业发展的整个人才管理周期中满足企业和求职者的需求。公司主要在线招聘平台(http://www.51job.com、http://www.yingjiesheng.com、http://www.51jingying.com、http://www.lagou.com和http: //www.51mdd.com) 以及移动应用程序,每天将数百万人与就业机会联系起来。51job还提供多项其他增值人力资源服务,包括业务流程外包、培训、专业评估、校园招聘、猎头和薪酬分析。前程无忧在呼叫中心武汉销售及服务网点横跨全球超过30个城市的全国性网络中国。   英文版本: SHANGHAI, June 25, 2021 – 51job, Inc. (Nasdaq: JOBS) (“51job” or the “Company”), a leading provider of integrated human resource services in China, announced today its unaudited financial results for the first quarter of 2021 ended March 31, 2021. First Quarter 2021 Financial Highlights: Net revenues increased 13.2% over Q1 2020 to RMB895.2 million (US$136.6 million) Online recruitment services revenues decreased 0.3% Other human resource related revenues increased 43.3% Income from operations was RMB3.9 million (US$0.6 million) Fully diluted earnings per share was RMB0.84 (US$0.13) Excluding share-based compensation expense, gain from foreign currency translation, and change in fair value of listed equity securities investment, as well as the related tax effect of these items, non-GAAP adjusted fully diluted earnings per share was RMB1.53 (US$0.23)   First Quarter 2021 Unaudited Financial Results Net revenues for the first quarter ended March 31, 2021 were RMB895.2 million (US$136.6 million), an increase of 13.2% from RMB791.1 million for the same quarter in 2020. Online recruitment services revenues for the first quarter of 2021 were RMB545.4 million (US$83.2 million) compared with RMB547.0 million for the same quarter in 2020.  While the Company has observed improvements in market conditions and hiring activity in 2021, the slight year-over-year decline was primarily due to the calendar impact of the Chinese New Year holiday in mid-February, which resulted in a later start to the recruitment peak season in 2021 and affected the amount of revenues that could be recognized in the first quarter of this year.  The Company believes there will be continued recovery in its online recruitment business in 2021. Other human resource related revenues for the first quarter of 2021 increased 43.3% to RMB349.8 million (US$53.4 million) from RMB244.1 million for the same quarter in 2020.  The growth was primarily driven by solid employer demand for training, placement and business process outsourcing services this year, as compared to a challenging environment and stringent travel and social restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the first quarter of 2020. Gross profit for the first quarter of 2021 increased 6.8% to RMB573.4 million (US$87.5 million) from RMB536.8 million for the same quarter of the prior year. Gross margin, which is gross profit as a percentage of net revenues, was 64.1% in the first quarter of 2021 compared with 67.9% for the same quarter in 2020.  The increase in cost of services was primarily due to higher employee compensation expenses and staff additions. Operating expenses for the first quarter of 2021 increased 55.2% to RMB569.5 million (US$86.9 million) from RMB366.8 million for the same quarter in 2020.  Sales and marketing expenses for the first quarter of 2021 increased 71.6% to RMB473.9 million (US$72.3 million) from RMB276.2 million for the same quarter of the prior year, primarily due to greater spending on advertising campaigns and brand building activities as well as more headcount and higher employee compensation expenses.  Advertising and promotion expenses increased 208.8% to RMB231.2 million (US$35.3 million) in the first quarter of 2021 from RMB74.9 million in the same quarter of the prior year.  The Company has plans to significantly increase sales and marketing investments this year to strengthen its brands and promote its wide range of service offerings. General and administrative expenses for the first quarter of 2021 increased 5.4% to RMB95.5 million (US$14.6 million) from RMB90.6 million for the same quarter of the prior year, primarily due to higher share-based compensation expense, provision for credit losses, professional services fees and office-related costs. Income from operations for the first quarter of 2021 was RMB3.9 million (US$0.6 million) compared with RMB170.0 million for the first quarter of 2020.  Operating margin, which is income from operations as a percentage of net revenues, was 0.4% in the first quarter of 2021 compared with 21.5% for the same quarter in 2020.  Excluding share-based compensation expense, operating margin would have been 4.8% in the first quarter of 2021 compared with 26.2% for the same quarter in 2020. The Company recognized a gain from foreign currency translation of RMB5.3 million (US$0.8 million) in the first quarter of 2021 compared with RMB10.2 million in the first quarter of 2020, primarily due to the impact of the change in exchange rate between the Renminbi and the U.S. dollar on the Company’s U.S. dollar cash deposits. The Company recognized a mark-to-market, non-cash loss of RMB13.3 million (US$2.0 million) in the first quarter of 2021 compared with a gain of RMB9.9 million in the first quarter of 2020 associated with a change in fair value of listed equity securities investment in Huali University Group Limited, which is traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Net income attributable to 51job for the first quarter of 2021 was RMB57.2 million (US$8.7 million) compared with RMB205.2 million for the same quarter in 2020.  Fully diluted earnings per share for the first quarter of 2021 was RMB0.84 (US$0.13) compared with RMB3.02 for the same quarter in 2020. In the first quarter of 2021, total share-based compensation expense was RMB38.9 million (US$5.9 million) compared with RMB37.1 million in the first quarter of 2020. Excluding share-based compensation expense, gain from foreign currency translation, and change in fair value of listed equity securities investment, as well as the related tax effect of these items, non-GAAP adjusted net income attributable to 51job for the first quarter of 2021 was RMB104.1 million (US$15.9 million) compared with RMB222.3 million for the first quarter of 2020.  Non-GAAP adjusted fully diluted earnings per share was RMB1.53 (US$0.23) in the first quarter of 2021 compared with RMB3.27 in the first quarter of 2020. As of March 31, 2021, cash and short-term investments totaled RMB10,359.3 million (US$1,581.1 million) compared with RMB10,761.9 million as of December 31, 2020. Intention to Purchase New Headquarters Office Building in Shanghai Subject to approval for sale by local government authorities, the Company intends to purchase an office building in Shanghai, which will serve as its new corporate headquarters. The building is approximately 32,400 square meters and will accommodate the Company’s continued growth and business expansion.  The total purchase price is estimated to be about RMB2.07 billion (US$316 million), and a deposit amount of RMB409.9 million (US$62.6 million) has been made as of March 31, 2021. Currency Convenience Translation For the convenience of readers, certain Renminbi amounts have been translated into U.S. dollar amounts at the rate of RMB6.5518 to US$1.00, the noon buying rate on March 31, 2021 in New York for cable transfers of Renminbi as set forth in the H.10 weekly statistical release of the Federal Reserve Board. Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures To supplement the consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”), 51job uses non-GAAP financial measures of income before income tax expense, income tax expense, adjusted net income, adjusted net income attributable to 51job and adjusted earnings per share, which are adjusted from results based on GAAP to exclude share-based compensation expense, gain from foreign currency translation and change in fair value of listed equity securities investment, as well as the related tax effect of these items.  The Company believes excluding share-based compensation expense and its related tax effect from its non-GAAP financial measures is useful for its management and investors to assess and analyze the Company’s core operating results as such expense is not directly attributable to the underlying performance of the Company’s business operations and do not impact its cash earnings.  The Company believes excluding gain from foreign currency translation and change in fair value of listed equity securities investment, as well as the related tax effect, from its non-GAAP financial measures is useful for its management and investors as such translation, mark-to-market gain or loss is not indicative of the Company’s core business operations and will not result in cash settlement nor impact the Company’s cash earnings.  51job also believes these non-GAAP financial measures excluding share-based compensation expense, gain from foreign currency translation and change in fair value of listed equity securities investment, as well as the related tax effect of these items, are important in helping investors to understand the Company’s current financial performance and future prospects and to compare business trends among different reporting periods on a consistent basis.  The presentation of these additional measures should not be considered a substitute for or superior to GAAP results or as being comparable to results reported or forecasted by other companies.  The non-GAAP measures have been reconciled to GAAP measures in the attached financial statements. About 51job Founded in 1998, 51job is a leading provider of integrated human resource services in China. With a comprehensive suite of HR solutions, 51job meets the needs of enterprises and job seekers through the entire talent management cycle, from initial recruitment to employee retention and career development. The Company’s main online recruitment platforms (http://www.51job.com, http://www.yingjiesheng.com, http://www.51jingying.com, http://www.lagou.com, and http://www.51mdd.com), as well as mobile applications, connect millions of people with employment opportunities every day. 51job also provides a number of other value-added HR services, including business process outsourcing, training, professional assessment, campus recruitment, executive search and compensation analysis. 51job has a call center in Wuhan and a nationwide network of sales and service locations spanning more than 30 cities across China.  